
Battle of The Band #TalentUnited

Hezmusic Production

Oct 22, 2023
9:00 am

Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association Sabah (KDCA)

Kota Kinabalu

Public Event


Program Battle of The Band, bertemakan “Talent United” ini mewajibkan penggunaan sekurang-kurangnya satu (1) alat muzik tradisional Sabah dan pemilihan lagu tempatan Sabah semasa pertandingan. Penganjur menjangkakan dapat melahirkan generasi muda dalam industri seni muzik Sabah yang berpengetahuan dalam bermain alat muzik tradisi dan profesional dalam bidang yang mereka diceburi. Selain itu, artis tempatan dan komuniti seni muzik khususnya di Sabah akan mempunyai platform untuk mengetengahkan bakat mereka.


Hezmusic Production

HezMusic Production was founded in 2019, initially as a home studio. Since then, it has registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) and Public Performance Malaysia (PPM). They offer a wide range of services, including song composition, music and video production, artist support, and publishing. Their specialty lies in audiovisual production, covering everything from songwriting and recording to sound mixing, mastering, and digital licensing. They are delighted to have secured third place for their song 'Cita-Cita dan Harapan (Sabah Maju Jaya)' in the 2021 Malaysia Day Celebration, hosted by New Wave Sabah. They take pride in being Sabah Content Creators.

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